I had a grand time photographing Marvin and Zyphra's wedding on March 17. I've known Marvin for several years but more importantly, I believe everyone in Kansas City, MO grew up on his father's barbecue - "Papa Lews", located near 17th and Paseo Blvd. Myself and many neighborhood kids used to strung up a $1 to buy a bag of fries and be in hog heaven. It was a brown bag of fat french fries! Yum! Now I'm dating myself because this was back in the early 80s. Needless, Marvin and his parents have strong roots here in KCMO. Marvin and Zyphra were so excited to be married on that day (St. Patrick's Day); no green for them - just "red". I was happy to be their photographer.
Kudos to the vendors:
Cake: Baked Expressions
Gown: The Gown Gallery