Saturday night, my assistant Denise and I drove to Leavenworth, KS for a fund raising event sponsored by the Delta Sigma Theta Alumnae Chapter - Leavenworth, KS. There were over 100 persons present and we were hired to set up a background, take couples pictures and provide prints on the spot. Let's just say that we were swamped 45-minutes before the event ended. It seemed that everyone rushed over to our table just before the event ended at 1 a.m.
One would think this would be an event only for Delta's but I heard several Greek organizations on yard (Alpha's and Omega's). Everyone came dressed to impress!
Thank you Renee for the plug and the opportunity. Hopefully we can be your preferred photographer next year or any event your chapter sponsors.
A shot of me while Denise checks the white balance.
A shot of my assistant Denise just before everyone started arriving.

An Evening of Distinction
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