Below are images from Sharil and Henry's wedding on Saturday, Dec. 13. Their wedding ceremony took place at Metropolitan Baptist Temple in Kansas City, KS. Photos from their extended reception will follow after Dec. 26.
I just got back from photographing my last wedding of year - Sharil and Henry. The bride and groom are having a extended reception the day after Christmas because there are so many people who couldn't come to the wedding but will be in town for the Christmas holidays. So, I will be back at it Dec. 26. Stay tuned for the images.
I want to share with my faithful readers more comments that were rendered by Melissa and Scott today. I photographed their wedding on November 15 in Chanute, KS. The only reason why I'm sharing this is because I sense genuine appreciation. Comments like these empower me to push the envelope with every wedding I photograph. I allow God to use me in being an instrument in documenting love stories in the couples I come in contact with. I can truly say that I believe they will be our dearest friends.
The pictures are beautiful! They made me cry :) Imagine that!!! Can't wait to see you again, Scott and I have honeymoon pics to show off! Let us know when the proofs are ready for us to pick up and we have something for you as well. Hope you are having a great week!
In April of 2007 I had the pleasure of photographing Brennah and Reggie's wedding at the Hobbs Building in Kansas City. It's been a little more than a year and half since their wedding and now they are expecting their first child.
Brennah who is 7-months pregnant called upon me Monday to take some maternity photos as a surprise/gift to her husband. Madison, Reggie's daughter accompanied Brennah during the session. Mom and dad have selected a name for their baby so I won't broadcast it to the world.
What I do enjoy is that I retain friendships with the brides I photograph over the years and in most cases I become their family photographer.
I received the most endearing thank you ever this year and I want to share it with you all. The comments below are from Melissa and Scott, the wedding Tailese and I photographed Saturday, November 15.
Hi Sam & Family!! We made it back safe and sound from Jamaica. We have to admit it was a little bittersweet to come home, but it is nice to be back. I bought an internet card in Jamaica just so that I could check your blog!!!!! The pics that you have posted are a huge tease you know...... just makes us want to see more! You do wonderful work, and I don't think that anyone at the wedding who is not married, will use anyone but you when they do get married!!!! Everyone went on and on about how wonderful you and your wife are!!! You are a 10 in our book and you both made our day even more enjoyable. It would not have been the same without you there, you fit in just like family!!!!...... ok ok I know that may be a bit scary:) (smile) we are ok once you get to know us ALL!!! I would like to know how to leave feedback on your page so that I can let everyone else know how wonderful you are!!! Just let me know, and give us a shout when other proofs are available!!! Thank you for everything! P.S. I don't think that I ever got to tell you the importance of the pictures you took on the tracks, and how much they will mean to our family. My grandpa retired from Santa Fe railroad after many years, and he rode his last train through Chanute on those same tracks. I am the oldest grandchild, and when I had my senior pictures taken I had them taken on the caboose that used to be parked by the depot in papa's honor of all the years he worked on the railroad. Since then every grandchild who has since graduated has had their pictures also taken on those tracks in different spots by the depot etc. When papa sees those pictures they will mean so much and carry on a tradition that started my senior year!!!!! Papa is a solid foundation in our family, and being able to acknowledge his hard work and history is awesome!!Thank you!!! You have an eye for seeing such beautiful images, little did you know it would mean so much. -Melissa and Scott
Elisabeth and Keegan share a special kind of love - more unique than others. Therefore we opted to visit The Plaza and do a little something different during their engagement session. Keegan is a photography buff himself and Elisabeth warned me that he is a hard person to please. A few days ago I received a note from Elisabeth giving high praises from Keegan.
"Thank you so much for doing our engagement session on Sunday. I can't wait to see the pictures! Keegan is excited too, which is hard to do!" - Elisabeth Lyman
This weekend we traveled to Chanute, KS to photographed Melissa and Scott’s wedding.
Being a resident of Kansas for a portion of my life, I’ve never been to Chanute. Melissa and family joked about it because it’s one of those cities that you could drive straight through the entire city within five-minutes. (smile) Overall, it took us about 2-hours to get there.
It was cold but not to cold for Melissa, Scott and wedding party to capture a lot of photos throughout the city. All of their wedding pictures were taken before the ceremony with plenty of time to recoup before the wedding.
We felt a huge honor and privilege that they would reach out to us to document their nuptials. They allowed us to do what ever we wanted – no matter to what degree.
Thank you Melissa and Scott for the hospitality, accommodations, and friendships. I hope to see you all at Melissa and Brad’s wedding in July ’09. Thank you for the referral too.
BTW: Scott’s brother Sean gave the most profound “best man” speeches ever. He gave us chills and tears listening to the special brotherly love he has with Scott. Nothing can replace a strong since of family love and admiration.
The church
Bridesmaids prepare wedding gown.
Sean, the best man.
Loved the boots and the angle of the carpet.
Grooms mother and Melissa discuss last minute details.
One of the cool spots we found before the wedding.
Groomsmen striking GQ poses.
Melissa sending Scott a last minute love message before the ceremony.
Loved this wall and location down the street from the church.
First time seeing each other.
A romantic photo in route to the reception.
Takingsip or gulp of champagne.
One of the bridesmaids was six-months pregnant.
Maid-of-honor, mother of the bride and Melissa goof off.
There's nothing like a father's love. Melissa sheds a tear of joy while dancing with her father.
Melissa and Scott couldn't help themselves with laughter during the infamous "best man" speech given by Sean, his brother.