My good friends, Marc and Rachel (whose wedding I photographed five years ago and also taken their pregnancy photos) referred Kea and Terry to me for the same. They are preparing for their second child - a girl. In the session, their son, Noah, (love the name by the way) loves the idea that his mommy is pregnant. After talking to mom and dad, we've found out that Noah is going through the same things our son, Andrew, is going through. Who said parenting would be easy :)
God bless you both Kea and Terry and thank you for giving me the opportunity of being apart of your lives.


Riley Pregnancy Session
I absolutely love the photos. They are all great. Its going to be so hard trying to narrow it down to 10 or an affordable amount :-). Guess that's the price you pay for choosing an awesome photographer. I will be in contact soon to discuss my order.
These pictures are beautiful!!!! Pregnancy photos capture an amazing point in time in a woman's life, right before she brings forth life. They have a beautiful family and you captured their moment beautifully.
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