This is clearly a personal moment…
Business has been good thus far but the challenges of owning your own business can be tough. New products are constantly changing – forcing us to keep our portfolio fresh; always revamping our marketing/advertising platforms; remaining consistent through our service; continuing to build family oriented relationships; and reinforcing our brand. Often I need spiritual uplifting.
2010 continues to give us a profound appreciation for wedding and portrait photography. Daily there are more and more photography companies evolving – photographers of all sorts expressing themselves artistically. Because of this, everyday I am a witness to how God keeps me humble and grounded in the faith. Photography is the ONLY activity that brings me peace, tranquility and fulfillment. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t leave my home on a photography assignment that I pray that God allows me to step out of “self” and allows me to be His instrument in the art of photography. It’s part of my DNA to pray before arriving at any event, praying while I’m working, and solicit a prayer when I leave the event. I have been told by current / past customers that they enjoy watching me work because I get grossly involved in my craft. Often I talk to myself at weddings and get overly excited about inspired visions. Don’t laugh. All of this is because of God. Every opportunity is pristine to me and my clients will always know that they will get more than 110%. Royal Photography LLC wasn’t created for personal gain nor selfish measures but rather to be a instrumental path in documenting family new beginnings.
While typing this entry, I received an uplifting email today that coincidentally appeared in my inbox. I must share it:
Sam,You have come so far. I can compare you now to when I first met you back in 2000 and you have truly morphed into an excellent photographer. Everything about you and your skill-sets have progressed. I can even see a change from when I was able to have a first-hand view of how you worked. Don't be discouraged where you are currently, this is the hallway to your next opened door. The only way to go right now is up and you are on your way. You'll soon look back and be amazed at how far you have gotten in your photography business.
The reason I’m writing this entry is to show what God is doing in my life, what I feel when doing His work, and be a witness to others across the globe.
Thank you my heavenly father for your grace and mercy.

Timeout | A Personal Moment