Most of you all knew that my wife and I were expecting a new breath of life in our family. For those of you that didn't, well, that time has come and Andrew is no longer an only child.
Our morning started when we and my mother-in-law left our home Monday at 6:30 a.m. with a driving force to arrive at Overland Park Regional by 7 a.m. Andrew was holding up like a champ. He knew mommy had a baby girl in her tummy and that it was his soon to be sister. Tailese didn't go back to the delivery room until 10 a.m. Since I didn't have a video camera (don't laugh) I did my best to document every encounter and every episode digitally - leading up to the moment our daughter opened her eyes for the first time. My mother-in-law was marvelous in keeping Andrew occupied.
Like most proud fathers, I was in total awe on the delivery process. Reading things like this in books, television documentaries and in the classroom doesn't compare to seeing it up close and personal! God is a marvelous GOD! The breath of life should never be taking for granted. While the doctors cleaned up the delivery room, my eyes filled with tears holding her in my arms. I looked at my wife and told her that the dreams we both had were true. During the last three months of her term, we both were having simultaneous dreams that depicted her color, hair and facial features. What scared me was that all of those dreams were true! We believed that she would favor more of me instead of a good mix of us in Andrew. I give thanks to God for giving us the vision and the blessing to be God fearing parents. We will do our best to raise both of them in the fear and admonition of our heavenly father.
Sorry, got side tracked. Any how....the doctors were the best! After she was cleaned up we went back to our room and Andrew was excited to see us. But when he saw her, he had this look on his face like, "what is going on, who is this, what is this?" He didn't want to touch her. Several friends told us to expect this but not to worry because it would change. Once again, hearing it and seeing it is something different. My fear was that Andrew wasn't going to take to his sister - after being the only child for three years. After 10 minutes, Andrew reached in the bassinet and grabbed her hand BUT he didn't want to kiss her. I was okay because at least he acknowledged her presence. We're hoping for the best when we get home. If any of our friends, colleagues and past customers have any professional sound advice, please don't hesitate to call us or respond to this entry.
We named our daughter, SYDNEY GABRIELLE JORDON. She was 7 lbs. / 14 oz. / 18" long; three inches shorter than Andrew. The photos above is an image of Sydney and her older brother Andrew.
Hey Sam just wanted to say Congrats! I don't think Casey and I were aware your family was expecting a little baby! How sweet that is, I wanted to let you know I really like the comments about God. I think thats really great that you and your wife want to raise them in honor of our Heavenly Father thats so awesome to hear! I knew there was something about you that drew me to you! Also wanted to say thanks for taking us out to Longview lake for the photo shoot! We're so excited to see the pictures. I have told my dad if he ever has the money and wants a GREAT Photographer that will get into using the Motorcycle in the pictures I can pass him your name. However he is in Columbia MO so I wouldn't imagine anything will come of it BUT ya never know.
Congrats again and try to get lots of rest! Advise from the non parent but 2nd of 6 kids in my family. Haha
Eunice & Casey
Eunice thank you for the well wishes. I'm sorry, I thought I mentioned it when we met at the bridal fair. God has blessed my family, business and craft so much. I believe all God wants us as believers to do is trust, obey, be witnesses for him and give him praise for all that he does for us. I had a wonderful time Saturday at the lake. I'm very sure your e-session images will be awesome. As soon as I get them loaded online, I will let you know. One day, I'll get the nerve to get on a motorcycle :) Let your Dad know that I do travel. Talk to you soon.
Congratulations Sam, to you and your wife on a beautiful baby girl! She is so precious! God is awesome! I would also like to congratulate you on the 2008 Knot Pick! That is an amazing accomplishment as well. Seems like you have the favor of God on your life. Keep on doing what you do! May God continue to bless you and your family.
Congrats on your bundle of happiness. She is too cute for words. I would like to send love, laughs, and prayers to you and your family on your new addition. ( I also thought about sending you some guacamole since it was Cinco de Mayo, but I'll wait:)) See ya at church.
Yolanda, thank you so much. I can't say it enough, giving birth is a miracle! When I say that I cried while holding her, I cried. After I dried my tears, I thought the doctors would look at me as if something was wrong. I remember crying with the same emotion when Andrew was born and more so when we dedicated his birth in church. God is indeed awesome. In everything that I do, I make sure he gets the glory.
When I got the call from my ad rep, I was blown off my rocker. All I can do is thank God and thank the brides I have worked with thus far. It's an honor to be nominated and I know the brides didn't have to take the time to nominate me. I just wish I knew who did it so I can thank them personally but in the interim all I can say is THANK YOU KANSAS CITY!
You are a wonderful person and I believe that your business will be blessed as well. Continue to put God first and yourself last. People will notice your dedication and ambition and the rest is "glory".
If there is anything I can do, please let me know!
Denise, you are indeed a hoot! Tailese and I never thought about Cinco de Mayo until everyone started talking about it. We've never celebrated the holiday in the past but now I guess we will have reason to celebrate - not taking anything from the holiday. By the way, I'm glad you didn't send the guacamole because I don't eat it, however Tailese does :)
I see you at church in the choir stand but can't never get a chance to speak due to the large membership. Tell Thomas I said hello.
We are so happy for you all. Glad to see how the LORD has continued to bless the both of you.
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