Saturday, June 14 wasn't too bad of a day to get married; the sun was out but there was a slight breeze. The couple, Amy and Jaime from Texas, who booked me last year, had their afternoon wedding and reception at the
Liberty Hills Country Club in Liberty, MO. I've never photographed a wedding there before but I have visited the city often several years ago.
I normally wear all black to a wedding (my black polo with company logo, black slacks and black shoes.) Well I didn't notice until I got to the venue that I put on blue socks this morning! Then to add more misery, I did something dumb. While taking a picture of the building and grounds, I sat on the asphalt pavement and when I attempted to get up, my slacks had stuck to the asphalt and burned some of my material off the seat of my pants. I was self-conscience and thought that I had several holes in the seat of my pants. All I could do was pray that there were no holes because there wasn't a department store near by. All was well except for large chunks of burnt asphalt on seat of my pants.
Let me share a bit of not sit on asphalt pavement while wearing slacks even if it's 83 degrees outside.
The wedding was beautiful and the bridal party were hilarious.
Be patient with me and I'll get more images posted.


Amy + Jamie | A long way from Texas