Meghan is a very quiet and reserved young lady and Joel is someone who I can tell sees the good in every one. The brides dad cried during the wedding and while dancing with Meghan.
One interesting point that I found out during the wedding was that Joel proposed to her on 4-5-6 (April 5, 2006) and how ironic they married on 6-7-8 (June 7, 2008). WOW..the power in numbers. Joel, I couldn't have planned it any better way.
The wedding details were:
- Wedding = Shawnee Church of the Nazarene
- Reception = Camelot Ballroom (Kansas City's Premiere Dance Studio)
- 6 Bridesmaids = Tangerine dresses accented with diamond studded pendants
- 6 Groomsmen = Black tuxedos with tangerine orange vests
- 2 Flower girls = Orange, Pink, Red and White polka dot dresses
- 1 Ring bearer

You have a wonderful gift brother. Was just browsing the blogspot blogs and stumbled upon yours. Keep up the great work. Blessings - a stranger in South Dakota
I was checking out the work on your website and decided to look through your blog and I am blown away by your work. You add a sense of style and creativity that makes your pictures come to life and will tell a story for a lifetime. Keep using your gift, you are an inspiration.
Your work is absolutely breath taking!! I can feel the romance through your pictures - you have a great gift and it shows in every frame!
We've never spoken before but I totally appreciate the well wishes and visitation. My prayer daily is that God continues to use the gifts he has given me to document the love stories between a bride and groom.
- Sam
Thank you KMB. I took over 800 frames during this wedding and just about all of them were of different angles and different expressions. Joel, was a true party animal!
Thank you for posting the comments.
- Sam
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