This past Saturday the alumnae chapter of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority held their 14 annual Burning Sands Alumnae Step Show at the
Scottish Rite Temple, mid-town Kansas City. Over 1,000 people gathered to see alumnae Greek organizations such as Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, Alpha Phi Alpha and Omega Psi Phi stomp the yard as they did in their undergraduate years. This is DST Kansas City Alumnae chapter's annual fundraiser.
My personal favorites of the evening were the Delta's, Alpha's and Omega's.
To see highlights from last year's step show,


DST Burning Sands Step Show
I had such great time at the step brought back such great college memories. Looks like these sorors are really dedicated. These images are amazing - captures their true emotion and dedication.
Great Job - RP as always you outdid yourself.
Hi Sam. Great pictures!!!!! I really can't wait to see the rest of them!!!
These pictures look great! You have really captured some of the great moments of the show!!! I can't wait to see them all.
As always nice pictures
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